Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 5: Pandora Planet

Sims: Pegase and Telemaque (Mature, STRICT RP)
Traffic: 27523
Sim Owner: Sullivan Infinity

Pandora Planet

Today's sim was selected from a random search, after trying to decide where I wanted to visit. Deede had asked if there was a Pandora recreation up yet, and that was the deciding factor! After scrolling through MANY various random locations, that were less than adequate to even write about, I stumbled upon Pegase and Telemaque.

The initial landing point is in the middle of the space station from the move Avatar. There you look around, and there are various boards with different tools you would need to immerse yourself into the role play of this planet. YES..very strict role play. Both Deede and I had to wear an 'visitor OOC' tag, so the community knew that we were not there to cause trouble, however, merely observe.

After getting set up, and ready to start our adventure, we decide it's time to port on down to the forest. You are first taken to the marketplace, where there you can buy your Na'vi avatars, and various other items such as clothing, weapons, decorations and such. The majority of the items for sale were well crafted and detailed by some creative artists From the shops we headed for the door way to the forest. First place being, the human camp.

According the strict rules of this sim, there was no flying allowed, so this exploration took quite some time, as all we could do was walk through a somewhat laggy environment, which after a bit we nicknamed 'soup.'

First thing we noticed was how empty the human camp was. It seemed the majority of the players in this world opted to be one of the exotic Na'vi, so our tour of the human area didn't last all that long, not much to be seen, or we continued onto the colorful forest.

The colors were beautiful, vibrant. Windlight settings work wonders while walking through here. There's so much to see, at times somewhat difficult with the flying restrictions. So much of the time was spent standing on the path with my camera flying around to different places.

Not being a roleplayer of any sorts myself, as I was never really able to grasp the art of depicting someone you're not, so I decided the best thing i could do here, was to wander I didn't run the risk of disturbing this environment that its players, obviously, worked so hard to create.

Upon observation, I found there were a choice selection of classes that you could portray yourself as, all these basically being the standard RP classes, Healer, Warrior, teacher, hunter, priest/priestess. I found it all pretty fascinating that someone could take themselves from their own element and basically BECOME part of this world as if they were born into it. Most have extensive 'background stories' that they have created, and they stick to it throughout their a very interesting aspect to SL, one that requires much thinking and concentration, an aspect I was never fully able to grasp.

Scattered throughout the forest were Na'vi sitting together, hunting, some fighting. One, in particular, kept a watchful eye on both Dee and myself, perhaps curious as to our presence, perhaps Leary of what we were up to, however she was present with every stop we made around the forest.

Our main two locations we wanted to find were Home Tree and we searched for a good hour or so, and finally stumbled across HomeTree..I personally think it could have been somewhat bigger, but it was well done. There were huts you could rent to live there during your RP stay or longer.

Awya was beautiful when we got to it, many of the Na'vi were gathered around it, apparently holding private conversations or just there to relax.

All in all this sim was pretty, colorful, and full of life. If you have a facination for the Movie avatar, are a good RPer and are looking for a place to play ...then i suggest you check this place out!

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