Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 9: Bentham Forest

Sim: Bentham isles South
Owner: Lauren Bentham
Be sure to click on the pictures below to see the full sized image. These pictures were not taken with lighting set to midnight, however it is recommended that you DO set your lighting to midnight for the full affect!

A Haunting Experience

So..I was given this landmark by my friend, Anesthasia on a whim. I went to check it out today and ..WOWWWW!! I landed and instantly realized that THIS was the place I was going to write on today! I think I sat at the landing point for a good 10 minutes just saying 'wow' to myself a couple of times. There was another sim just north of where I landed, that I am going to have to write on I did not have time to explore the adjacent sim, having spent SOOOO much time in the first one. Once you read below, you will understand why this is going to have to be a two part coverage of this enchanted place.

I drug my good friend, Paul here with me to check this out, whom I thank from bottom of my heart, for joining me on some of these looonggg adventures, because I just NEEDED to share this experience with someone. There was so much to take in here, so many random hidden places to explore.

Upon exploring, we found many amazing sights, the forest itself was so dark, so creepy, but visually, all around amazing. Venturing into a small cave, we saw a cluster of beautiful crystals. We stopped for a moment in this cave to explore it, and..OOH LOOK! One of the bigger crystals had a quest to pick up! After clicking on this crystal, you are given a notecard of items to find around the sim, Three different colored crystals were required to complete this quest, so off we went to search for them.

While searching for the various crystals recommended to complete this quest, we stumbled upon yet THREE more quests!! There was a Boggle shroom quest, an Ancient Collector Tree quest and an Elder Shroom quest, each requiring that you find random objects around the sim to turn in for a reward!

NOW upon talking of these quests..I will say..THESE ARE NOTTT easy items to find. Some of them are in plain sight, however, some are hidden VERY well. We were able to complete three of the four quests, the final quest we gave up on after searching for HOURS for that final item. One thing we did realize, however, was that whilst searching for these items. we saw EVERY corner of this sim, every minute detail was taken in, HAD to memorize every inch, otherwise you found yourself walking in circles and easily getting lost in these woods.

Once turning in the quests we WERE able to complete, shy ONE item for the fourth quest, we were given some items, inspired by the environment. Along with these quests, there are hidden crates, that once you find and 'buy' them for zero money, you open them, and are given other various items from around the forest. Such a great idea to bring people here, and to ensure that people WILL fully explore the sim.

One thing I will warn against...Is do NOT show up here if you don't have a good chunk of time. This place will suck you in! Hours passed like minutes while we were searching for all the required items.

While you're here, be sure to check out the Benthor Manor here for many of the items that you see placed about the woods. This place really is amazing, not only in its visual aspect, but also in its interactive experience!! So in conclusion, If you're looking for something to keep you occupied for a time...CHECK THIS PLACE OUT! It's really amazing!

Check back tomorrow on my write up of the sister sim to this forest, Fae Fantasy Forest! See you then!! <3 LOVE YOU ALL!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 8: The Blue Note

Sim: The Blue Note
Owner: Naydee McGettigan
Disclaimer: All quotes and picture were submitted with prior authorization from Naydee McGettigan.
The Fruits of Selfless Labor

Over this past week, I have visited some visually stunning locations, all of which I was at a loss for words as to how to begin to properly explain what I felt and experienced upon exploring these places. One thing I have found as a common denominator in nearly every place thus far, is the fact that these people have a general love for people, and their love is shown in ever minute detail that they pour from their hearts into this virtual platform. Today's visit, altho a slightly different venue from what I've previously explored, was no different in the respect that this place was dreamed and born out of LOVE and with the intent to cultivate and encourage this, sometimes, fleeting emotion.

I met with Naydee today, finally, after playing some IM tag and a minor 'turtle' mishap on my part (sighs), but the wait was well worth it. I did NOT want to write this piece before speaking to her. Sometimes speaking to its creator, and hearing of their dreams and wishes for their creations, completes the full picture for you.

Naydee started The Blue Note Jazz Lounge back in July 30th, 2005 on a small plot she had rented in Alston as a hip, cool Jazz lounge based on the 1950s and 1960s jazz era (which I might add, has NOT changed even one bit over the years!). "...from there it grew overnight" as she stated. Moved to some various other sims before finally settling in its, now permanent, home on the personally named, Blue Note, sim in January of 2007. One thing that struck me, was that this club was STILL around after nearly 5 years!! For those of you that don't frequent clubs, this is an amazing accomplishment as nearly everyone that comes into SL decides at one point to open a club of their own, thinking..'if they can do it..SO CAN I!!" Only to be met with the disheartening realization of all the work, time and money that one requires. Thus nearly 75% of all clubs opened, fail within the first month, and even more unable to reach the one year mark. BUT FIVE YEARS! Hats off to you, Naydee!

Naydee and I sat and spoke for a good hour or so, sharing details of how the club came to be, what her ultimate dreams were regarding the Blue Note, which did not come without consequence, as some who visited fell in love with it so much that they decided to attempt to recreate the environment, stealing details and trying to build upon HER dreams, claiming them as her own, but missing one key ingredient...Naydee has built this place upon her own selfless desire to see people fall in love without personal recognition and without any self gain, whether monetary or social status.

Betty .. I went to the SLCC in 2007......and I had people walk up to me .. and take my hands and just want to thank me with all of their heart .. for creating this place I was just ..... well .. overwhelmed mostly .... but ... honored .. humbled ....that is why I still fight to keep this place open 5 years later .. and I have had several people over the years who have contributed to keeping it open ..... nameless, they have always asked to be..... I do it because I dig the music :) and making people happy

~ Naydee

That statement alone, gave me chills when she said it, as I have frequented the Blue Note a number of times, and the atmosphere alone was one that caused you to relax, enjoy moments with friends (PAUL <--if i don't mention his name at least once, he'll go emo for the rest of the week...sorry), either romantically or just needing to talk. The club is, I think, one of the most popular romantic places, most well known, however, it is almost NEVER crowded and overrun. Her rules on being respectful towards other people in the club are very strict, so you can come here solely to relax without the fear of people spamming those GOD awful gestures and being completely obscene while you're out trying to enjoy yourself.

Venturing out of the club itself, you find yourself surrounded by a stunning array of flowers, trees, cuddle hideaways and even a boat ride to enjoy the views of the sim with a friend. (PAUL..look, i said it twice!).

Romance and relaxation is abundant here, which is what Naydee was aiming for in her creation. She has seen many people fall in love, some of which have moved over into Real Life ((she's actually going to be the maid of honor for a couple that met at Blue Note, fell in love and continued on in their real life..AMAZING))

Naydee has really done an amazing job here. If you are looking for a place to relax, have a love for Jazz or even get married ((She has a chapel in the back which is BEAUTIFUL, where you can hold your ceremony)). Then i HIGHLY HIGHLY suggest going here. I've been here on a number of occasions, and I am never disappointed! The club is great, the sim is beautiful and it should be shared!

I wish I could write more on this place, but time restrictions today prevent me from doing so. Basically I wanted to say that this place is amazing, and should be visited often! So grab that special someone..and make a date to spend some time here. You'll be surprised at the atmosphere, you really will!

So be sure to click on that SLURL and see this place for yourself! Simply Stunning! Thank you so much Naydee for your precious time and our wonderful talk. You are an absolute beauty on this grid!! Thank you!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 7: Las Islas

Sims: Las Islas, Las Rocas, Las Olas Azules, Las Arenas Rosadas and Las Lagunas
Owner:Naiman Broome
Be sure to click on the pictures to see the full sized images!

Costa Rican Dreamscape we are. Day 7! I cannot believe it has already been a week since I have started this tour. Thank you, everyone, for your suggestions, links and landmarks! I love my friends so much :D!

Today's tour brought me to a place, slightly different from the past few intricately designed sims. It was the most refreshing tour I have been on this week. The simplicity of a beach side shopping plaza that includes various places to relax, dance and cuddle, as well as dive into fully exploring this location.

Upon landing, you need some patience as it does take a little bit of time to load, there is a lot going on here script wise, but believe me, once you're fully rezzed in, the lag here is minimal and it is SO worth the wait once you see just how beautiful this beach is. It almost seems as tho, when you breathe deep, you can smell the saltiness in the air from the water, you can nearly feel the breeze in your face coming in off open beaches, can nearly hear the chatter of people, busily shopping and walking hand in hand along the sandy paradise.

Simple beauty, is a thing to never be overlooked. Yes beaches seem to be abundant along the grid, and sometimes even making a mound of sand, sticking a rock and a tree on it, is all you need for your own personal getaway...this place, however, goes well beyond that! Once you begin looking and peeking into every corner of this sim, you realize how much thought and tireless effort was put into the creation of this place.

Walking out from the shops, and stepping onto the sandy beach, you want to immediately take your shoes off, to feel the warmth of the sand caress your toes, to curl them into the powdery sand as the heat rises up like a blanket around you, the sun on your face as the salty air fills your mind of those childhood days at the beach with your friends, trying to build the best sandcastle ever created..*chuckles*..I believe Naiman accomplished JUST that with this sim..the best 'sandcastle ever.'

Having been born and raised and STILL residing in a coastal state in the US (even though it is one WITHOUT palm trees hehe) that is known for its beaches and its fishing communities, I can greatly appreciate and recognize the accuracy of this place, explaining, also, why it was so easy for me to picture myself being literally there.

Sinking further into this paradise, I find various places to relax by the water, places to snuggle with that special can literally just hideaway here and forget about all that bothers you. Sit at the bar with a friend, for some friendly conversation over a delicious drink, or go into the club for some dancing, or even venture out onto the beaches and under some of the various cave-like rock structures for a cuddle.

So many facets to this area..relaxation spots up high on the cliffs and way down by the water, among the trees or out in the open beach, however you wish to enjoy the beach is up to you, all that I suggest is that you DO fully enjoy it, as this is not a place to pass up. Part of my goal in this project is to bring to light some of the places that not many people are aware of..and I hope I bring more people to this site, because it is truly incredible!

So in conclusion, I will remind you, that what I have to say about these places is sometimes pale in comparison to the true experience of visiting it yourself, please never hesitate to click on that SLURL to check them out! Thank you, everyone, for your support in this project, for all of your suggestions, and for actually READING my, sometimes, long winded babbling about these places!

Be sure to check back every day for my new adventure as I continue to explore the grid as best I can! Thank you EVERYONE!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day6: Garden of Dreams

Sims: Garden of dreams and Garden of dreams2 (Mature)
Owner: Kristina Simon
Be sure to click on the pictures to see the full size images!

A Storybook Wonderland

Phew..I am really at a loss for words with this place! I visited Garden of Dreams a couple of weeks back, simply to shop, I was looking to give my home a 'facelift' of sorts, and was told this sim housed some beautiful skyboxes for sale. I went through the store, looked through the different models that were available.

The skyboxes, themselves, were downright amazing, in the simple fact that they weren't your typical 'box.' They were little 'lands' in and of themselves. A field of grain, a meteor shower with planets, a desert camp, the throne of hell itself, underwater scenes...and many many more. These boxes had the ability to load other scenes into them if you prefered to have more than one type of scenery, so you could easily scroll through them and change your surroundings with just the touch of a button! Every scene is interactive, with poses and furniture and decorations all built 2000L a is MORE than a bargin! Check it out if you're looking for a new'll be SO suprised.

I remember seeing a path or two leading away from the store, but being in a hurry that day, I didn't bother to venture down these paths, and after today...I realized I missed out!! This beyond words! These builders, are beyond compare! just...WOW!

There is just SO much here to take in. I snapped sooo many photos, I know I won't be able to fit them all in this blog, but I will try to get as many in as I can, however, just like my last tours, I suggest you go and check this out for yourself!

There seems to be a cuddle spot for nearly EVERY taste in here. Under the trees, in a field, hanging in a basket above the water. There's even a spot here, if you're planning a wedding, for you to hold the most beautiful wedding ever! The chapel is rented AS IS, and you can have your reception in their ball perfect!

Walking around, and looking at spot after spot..I'm in a constant state of awe. This place is absolutely beautiful. Come with a friend, explore the serenity of this place, soak in its beauty, lose yourself and forget about your stressful day. And don't forget to check out the shop while you're here! nearly everything you see on the sim is for sale in the shop!

There is also a spot here, where you can take a boat tour. Float leasiurely through the sim, soaking in the sights, the sounds, the captivating beauty..The creators of this sim spared no expense and obviously poured their hearts into the creation of this paradise!

According to the covenant of this land..there's also areas of the sim for sale by the owner. I was not able to see these, perhaps I missed them, but check it out if you're interested! This sim would be awesome to live on!

As I've said, so far, with nearly every adventure, I simply cannot find the words to do this place justice! YOU REALLY need to go see this for yourself! You won't be disappointed. Bring that special someone, and perhaps fall in love again! HIGHLY suggested place to visit! WOW!

I really don't know how you guys do things like this! I have trouble sometimes, just decorating my house! Thank you for making this grid a BEAUTIFUL place!

See you tomorrow!! :D